Mom's sweater. Eternal Mom.

Mother’s Love Forever, A Woolen Journey Where Tradition Meets Modernity

Mom, I am heartbroken that you are gone, but the sweaters you knit will always be by my side, giving me strength and courage. I will always miss your love and care, and at the same time, I will continue to love the wool sweater industry and pass on warmth and emotion.

March 2022 was the saddest moment in my life because I lost my beloved mom. My mom was the most important person in my life, and her departure left me with a broken heart and overflowing thoughts.

My mom is not only a relative to me but also a knitting family that has created countless warm memories. In my memories, my mom always wore a warm hand-knit sweater, knitting the most beautiful emotions for me and my family. Every stitch carries her love, and every wool sweater is the fruit of her heart.

When I was a child, I used to sit by my mom’s side and watch her dexterous hands intertwine a thin thread of wool into a fine wool sweater. At that time, my mom was my knitting idol, her every movement was full of skill and tenderness. I watched as the woolen threads danced between her fingers, gradually turning into a piece of warm clothing.

Every time I put on a wool sweater knitted by my mom, I could feel her presence and care. The soft touch and warmth of the touch are as if Mom herself is embracing me. Whether it was a cold winter day or a rainy day, the wool sweater shielded me from the outside chill while wrapping me in my mom’s love and thoughts.

However, time has passed and the way wool sweaters are made today has changed. Hand-knitted wool sweaters, though precious, could not meet the market demand. Nowadays, the STOLL machine has made the production of wool sweaters more efficient and precise. This machine is able to knit yarn into various styles of wool sweaters quickly, maintaining high quality and comfort.

I deeply understand that whether it is a wool sweater hand-knitted by my mother or knitted by a STOLL machine, they all have endless emotions and stories behind them. Tradition and modernity merge with each other in the wool sweater-making process, showing the progress and innovation of the wool sweater industry. Whether hand-knitted or machine-knitted, wool sweaters carry deep emotions and care between families.

My mom’s passing has made me cherish every piece of a woolen sweater knitted by her. Every time I wear them, I will immerse myself in my mom’s embrace and feel her everlasting love and companionship. These woolen sweaters are not only a piece of clothing, but also a precious souvenir, an endless thought.

At the same time, my mom’s passing has filled me with love and respect for the wool sweater industry. I realized that a wool sweater is not only a kind of clothing but also a kind of bond that carries emotions between people. In this industry, every wool sweater is knitted by a knitter with the thread of the heart, and they contain warmth and emotion, passing love and care to the wearer.

Mom, I am heartbroken that you are gone, but the sweaters you knit will always be by my side, giving me strength and courage. I will always miss your love and care, and at the same time, I will continue to love the wool sweater industry and pass on warmth and emotion.